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Here are some of the projects currently developed by the group:


  1. Functional structure of freshwater fish assemblages and aquatic environment quality in tropical freshwater systems (2015-Present, funded by FAPEG)


  • This project aims to acces fish biodiversity associated to fish assemblages of the Almas River basin, upper Tocantins River basin, the environmental determinants of its functional structure and the develompent of a water quality index that includes taxonomic and functional metrics to conservation​


  2.  Ichthyofaunistic inventory and water quality assessment in the upper Almas River basin in                Goias, Central Brazil (2014-Present, funded by FUNADESP)


  • This project aims to: 1) realize ichthyofauna inventory of Almas River basin and access its ecological features and spatial distribution; 2) evaluate phosphorous and nitrate concentrations in the water and its influence on the ichthyofauna.  


  3.  Fish diversity and heavy metals evaluation in watercourses of the upper Parana River basin in            Goias (2013-Present, funded by FAPEG)


  • The main objectives of this project are to: access spatial patterns of fish species in watercourses of the upper Parana River basin, compare fish assemblages regarding their species richness and abundance, determine which environmental variables are structuring these assembalges and, finally, investigate how heavy metals affect water quality and fish assembalges structure.


   4. Functional and taxonomic structure of fish communities from the upper Rio Tocantins basin              and the influence of environmental factors in different spatial scales (2012-Present, funded by            CNPq and FAPEG)


  • The main objective of this project is to evaluate the spatial/temporal variations in the species composition and the taxonomic/functional structure of fish communities of the upper Rio Tocantins basin streams

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